Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to multiply 2 x 2 digit numbers by Vedic method?


Example 1

 22 x 31 = ?

Follow the general steps :
First part : 2 x 3 = 6 (multiplying the left side )
Last part : 2 x 1 = 2 (multiplying the right side)
Middle part :  (2 x 1)  + (2 x 3) =  2  +  6 = 8 (cross-multiplying both sides)
The answer is (first part | middle part  | last part ) = 682

Therefore 22 x 31 = 682

Example :2

68 x 35 = ?

First part | Middle part | Last part
(6 x 3) | ( 6 x 5 )+ (8 x 3)  | (8 x 5)
18 | (30 + 24 ) | 40
18 | 54 | 40
8 | 5 4 | 4 0 (carry over and add the left side of the digits)
 = 2380

Therefore 68 x 35 = 2380

There is yet another technique known as the Grid Method ,good for multiplication

GRID METHOD  or Sum of the Products

Example : 1
15 x 17 =?

For this method rewrite 15 as (10 + 5) and 17 as (10 + 7)  and then fill in the grid as shown
Finally add all the numbers inside the grid for the final answer ( 100 + 50 + 70 + 35) = 255

Therefore 15 x 17 = 255

Example 2:

78 x 25 = ?

Rewriting the numbers and forming the grid , we get
Again adding all the digits inside the grids ,(1400+160+350+40) =1950

Therefore 78 x 25 = 1950

You can try with different two digit numbers for both the above methods.In case of a single digit number, say 35 x 6 ,it becomes 35 x 06 and calculate using the same rules as described above.


About Unknown

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.